Preparations of column reinforcements, formworks and casting to columns projecting to 8th floor slab has been casted.
Preparations of 9th floor slab decking reinforcements, formworks and casting to columns projecting to 9th floor to be done 100%
Steel fixing and casting for sheer walls, and lift shaft projecting to 8th floor done 100%
Steel fixing and casting for sheer walls, and lift shaft projecting to 9th floor done 100%
Casting of the 8th floor slab has been achieved 100%
Preparation and casting of the 9th and 10th floor slabs to be done 100%
Walling to 5th typical floor ongoing.
Walling to 6th typical floor to be done 100%
Mechanical and electrical first fixes to the 3rd typical slab and walls done 100%
Mechanical and electrical first fixes to the 4th typical walls to be 100% done.