•Plaster works completed in the all floors
•Paint works to be done 90% in all sections awaiting final paint works.
•Mechanical and electrical 2nd fixes done 40% on ground and first floors.
•Common areas electrical and mechanical installations to be done 80%
•Preparation for installation of the lift done 90%
•Lift installation works to be done 40%
•Installation of roller shutter doors ongoing at 20%.
•Roller shutter doors to be 100% complete.
•External void steel laser cut finish done 20%.
•External finish laser cut void panels to be 100% done.
•Back up genset area reinforcement works in progress.
•Backup genset delivery and installations to be 30% done
• Electricity application and installation in process including installation of poles on the road reserve
•Electricity connection to the building to be done 50%
•Tile sample installation done for approval by consultants.
•Tiling works to be done 40% in entrances , corridors and common areas.