As at Apr-2024

Contractor: Hari International
Project Start Date: 23rd Feb 2021
Expected Construction Period: 35 Weeks
Project Outline: Construction of 17 Typical Residential floors

Progress Video

Progress Photos

Preparations of Columns Reinforcements, Formworks, and casting to columns projecting to the 11th have been done 100%. Formwork to 11th floor slab was done 100%
Preparations of Columns Reinforcements, Formworks, and casting to columns projecting to the 12th and 13th Floor slab are expected to be 100% done.
Cutting, bending, and fixing of reinforcement steel bars has been achieved 100%
Walling to the 11th and 12th typical floor is expected to be 100% done.
Placing of plumbing and electrical first fixes to slab was achieved 100% Casting of the 11th floor slab was done 100%
Preparations of column reinforcements, Formworks, and casting to columns projecting to the 12th-floor slab have been done 100%.
Walling to the 10th and 11th typical floor is progressing at 80%. Plastering to walls at the 1st and 2nd typical floors has been completed 100%
Mechanical and Electrical first fixes to 7th floor walls are 100% done.
Mechanical and Electrical first fixes to the 12th and 13th typical slab and walls are to be done 100%.


As at Apr-2024

Contractor: Nels Enterprises Ltd.
Project Start Date: October 2021
Expected Construction Period: 140 Weeks
Project Outline: Construction of 112 Units, 5 parking levels at Westland's School Lane Road.

Progress Video

Progress Photos

Decking formwork to the 15th Typical floor slab was 100% done.
Steel fixing to columns projecting to the 17th & 18th floors is to be done 100%
Steel cutting, bending, and fixing to the 15th typical floor slab was done 100%. Steel fixing to columns projecting to the 15th & 16th floor is 100% done. Formwork to the vertical members projecting to the 15th & 16th floor: columns, shear walls, and lift shafts were done 100%.
Formwork to the vertical members projecting to the 17th & 18th floor: columns, shear walls and lift shafts to be 100% done.
The casting of all the columns and shear walls was 100% done. Decking formwork for the 15th & 16th-floor slab was done 100%. Casting of the 15th typical floor slab has been achieved 100%.
Casting of all the columns and shear walls is to be done 100%
Walling and partition of the basement floor levels were done 100% 1st to 9th Floor walling has been achieved 100% Masonry at the 10th floor is progressing at 80%
10th Floor walling is expected to be achieved by 100%.
Plaster works on the 1st to 6th floor progressed up to 95% Plastering to the 7th floor is currently at 80% Plastering to the 8th floor is currently at 20%